Panamanian Cervezas: The Definitive Collection

Attention all beer lovers! This is your guide to some of the best and worst beers Panama has to offer. I’ll give insight into types of beer, their alcohol percentage, taste, and popularity. I will also address the age-old Panamanian argument over Balboa vs Panama beer. Beers will be ranked from legendary to trash.


Ranking: Legendary 

What an impact this beer has on everyday life in Panama. Being named after a leading European expeditionist, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, who helped shape the Spanish influence in Panama, Balboa is also a fitting name for a beer that has also flexed its superiority on all supermarket shelves and bar fridges across the country. Balboa is one of the stronger beers in this collection with a modest alcohol percentage of 4.8%. Balboa is a pale lager with a crisp, full bodied taste and I find that I can drink at least 10 to 15 without feeling sick or too hungover the next day.


Ranking: Legendary 

Panama beer is named after, yep, you guessed it, the amazing country of Panama. Much like Balboa, you will find Panama beer everywhere in shops, bars, etc. Panama beer is the main competitor to Balboa and their Rivalry has been brewing for years. Many consider Panama beer to be the country's best. With an alcohol percentage of 4.8%, this pale lager is much like Balboa but with a lighter, less crisp taste.  


Ranking: Poor 

After drinking Atlas beer I have to say that there is certainly nothing that stands out about this beverage. The words I would use to describe Atlas would be bland and boring. Don't get me wrong, the beer wasn't foul tasting. There's just no character and the name, design and taste really reflects this. Ordering an Atlas beer at a bar would be like ordering a cheese only pizza - you're not gonna hate it, but there are certainly more exciting options on the menu. Atlas has an alcohol percentage of 3.8%. Word of advice for the Atlas brewery: TRY HARDER. 


Ranking: Good

Cristal cerveza is local to the Chiriqui province of Panama. If you ever find yourself in towns and cities in the area then you will more than likely stumble across advertising for this beer. Cristal has a light and satisfying taste and I would recommend it to anyone who prefers weak beers. It has a strong correlation to Coors light. With an alcohol percentage of 3.3%, and a similar price range to the more popular and better brands of beer, Cristal will not sweep you off your feet, but is definitely one to try.


Ranking: Trash

In life you should give everything a try, but in my opinion we can make an exception for Soberana. Let's start with the name. No beer ever should include the word sober in the name. It simply goes against the philosophy in which beer was built on. The decorations of the beer are bland and boring much like the taste. You may find enjoyment by drinking this on the beach in the heat, but nowhere else. This is really all I have to say about Soberana and I will live a fulfilling life without drinking this monstrosity ever again. 

Which one takes the cake?

Balboa ultimately is the legend of Panamanian cervezas. The taste, captivating design, and the history behind Balboa is why this cerveza goes down as the most definitive cerveza in Panama. As far as Panamanian beers go, unfortunately they will not be making an appearance on the international stage anytime soon. In terms of quality they fall far behind the likes of global giants such as Heineken and Stella Artois. In conclusion if you are travelling to a country just for the beer, then Panama is not for you.